Journal Papers



Jesus Garcia-Diaz, Ricardo Menchaca-Mendez, Rolando Menchaca-Mendez, Rolando Quintero-Tellez. "A structure-driven Randomized Algorithm for the k-center Problem". IEEE Latin America Transactions. Accepted for publication (2015).


Anabel Pineda-Briseño, Rolando Menchaca-Mendez, Edgar Chavez, Giovanni Guzman, Ricardo Menchaca-Mendez, Rolando Quintero, Miguel Torres, Marco Moreno, J. L. Diaz-de-Leon. "A probabilistic Approach to Location Estimation in MANETs".  Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks. Accepted for publication (2014).


Menchaca-Mendez, Ricardo, Sarath Chandra Janga, and Julio Collado-Vides. “The Network of Transcriptional Interactions Imposes Linear Constrains in the Genome.” Omics: a Journal of Integrative Biology 9, no. 2 (2005): 139–145.


Resendis-Antonio, Osbaldo, Julio A Freyre-González, Ricardo Menchaca-Mendez, Rosa M Gutiérrez-Ríos, Agustino Martínez-Antonio, Cristhian Avila-Sanchez, and Julio Collado-Vides. “Modular Analysis of the Transcriptional Regulatory Network of E. Coli.” TRENDS in Genetics 21, no. 1 (2005): 16–20.




Conference Papers


Achlioptas, Dimitris, and Ricardo Menchaca-Mendez. “Exponential Lower Bounds for DPLL Algorithms on Satisfiable Random 3-CNF Formulas.” In, 327–340. SAT-2012, Springer-Verlag.


Achlioptas, Dimitris, and Ricardo Menchaca-Mendez. “Unsatisfiability Bounds for Random CSPs From an Energetic Interpolation Method.” In ICALP 2012, Part I , Volume Part I:1–12.


Garcia-Luna-Aceves, J J, Ricardo Menchaca-Mendez, and Rolando Menchaca-Mendez. “ADMP: an Adaptive Multicast Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.” IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology (AICT) 212, no. 212 (2011): 177–188.